Notice! We're back! Some big under-the-hood updates this time. Updated server, SSL cert, more secure auth. Also fixed a few regressions from last time. New "Max Feedback" search filter. Let me know if anything seems broken!

Instant Results. Act Faster.

If you are a serious buyer, there is no alternative. Other services that send alerts for new listings are simply not fast enough. eBay offers emails for saved searches, but those are only sent once every 24 hours, and don't even work most of the time. Item Alert constantly monitors your search, and will notify you immediately of a new listing that meets your search criteria. We also offer free updates and tech support!

Intuitive Features. Designed By Buyers.

Item Alert constantly monitors your search query for new items and automatically displays new results as they hit eBay. But that doesn't mean you need to stare at a screen all day! Item Alert also provides an optional audio alert when a new item is found. Going somewhere? Item Alert also lets you toggle email notifications on or off. Have a favorite marketplace or seller? Item Alert lets you restrict your results to just them.

Limited Membership. It's Your Niche.

Membership will be capped because of our limited resources and our dedication to our users. We want to offer you the best possible experience for your hard earned money.

Built For eBay. Trusted Results.

Other sites use screen scraping or DOM parsing of the public facing eBay website. As a trusted member of eBay's developers program, and a verified compatible app, Item Alert uses only the official eBay APIs to bring you results. Rest assured you're getting the freshest data from eBay servers, often before it's even visible on the eBay website!